Lighthouse Biblical Counseling Center

"Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." Colossians 1:28

Have you struggled with trying to answer life’s hardest questions with solutions that only the world has to offer? Do you desire true transformation that brings you into God’s purpose for your life?

At Lighthouse Biblical Counseling Center, you will find trustworthy, certified counselors who have walked through their own struggles with purity, family, anger, depression, reconciliation, and more. We have found God’s answers to be the truth that sets us free, and long to help our neighbors who are looking for real answers to real problems.

We use the Bible as the foundation for every discussion and every problem, knowing that God’s Word is what is needed for life and godliness. There is absolutely no problem so big that God’s answers don’t work or that He doesn’t know how to meet your needs. We’d love to talk to you about your current life struggles and how we can help you biblically.